Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do I Have to Go to Church?

Welcome to "What Do You Think" hosted by West Linn Lutheran Church in Oregon! The creators of this blog want to stimulate conversations around questions coming up at church and in people's daily life.

This fall we're talking about worship. Do you go to a church worship service? Regularly? Why do you come?

We want to know what you think!


Mom said...

At first this question seemed very simple. But it is actually much deeper than I thought and made me question where am I on my faith journey?

Of course I go for many different reasons.

--My family has always gone to church
--I want to set a good example for my children
--I enjoy being with and meeting people at church
--It really makes me feel better
--I like the stories and lessons
--I like to sing
--I like to be part of a community that gives

But personally, I have to admit that sometimes I don’t go with this huge desire to worship God. Sometimes I go reluctantly, out of obligation. Other times, my main motivation seems to be to see friends there.

So when Sunday comes I realize I need to remind myself that I need to bring my thinking back to God, the whole reason why we all should go to church in the first place.

Unknown said...

I fall into that category of people that go to church to fill up my "spiritual gas tank". I guess in filling up my tank I am better able to share God's love with those around me. I also love the time to reflect and be present with God in my life. Like many, my life seems to move at lightening speed!

Anonymous said...

I go to church to give honor and praise to God. It's not that I don't go for myself - there are times when I do that. However, the best times are when I clear myself of me, and let the moment in worship be about God and who God is. God has, after all, done everything for me - given me beyond measure. It is my response-ability to give back; at the very least to set aside time for God. I confess, there are times when it is about me and my needs. However, I feel the best when I can engage God and others in the place of the Spirit.

Unknown said...

Well...what a good idea to have a blog!

I have always been drawn to Church for the Sacraments, the Singing and to see and touch fellow believers.

The information in the Sermons are OK...but I find it hard to integrate with the other things I am seeking.

An important part of Worship for me is getting "right sized." During the week I feel important, even critical to my own success and my family's success. On Sunday I remember "man plans and God laughs!" It is a calming kind of humility. And I am thankful for it...

Unknown said...

I love David's comment about getting "right sized." That resonated with me too.

Anonymous said...

Growing up Catholic it was a given you went to church and I connected with the traditions and ceremony celebrating mass each week. Over time worship has changed and incorporated more music and singing than when I was a child. I know for many people that has given and energy and excitement to worship that may have been lacking, but for me it changed the tone and my connection to why I was there in the first place. I don't believe I have to go to church to worship God - I find God in nature and my daily life and connecting with people. I am touched by God everyday and I carry him in my heart. I feel a strong connection that I haven't seemed to find in a church in a long time. If I'm in a place of worship, but I can't feel the spirit there why would I want to worship there? I've had some very meaningful and amazing conversations with people outside of a traditional church that have touched me in a way a formula worship service never did.

klw said...

You'll find me in Church most every Sunday. Probably, like a lot of people, sitting in the same pew.

To me, Church is like a shower for the soul; and I have plenty of sins that need to be washed away.

Church is a place where it is easy to focus on God.

Church is a place where I can:

Focus on Him

Feel his presence

Wrap myself in His warmth

Comfort myself in His love

Reassure myself of His

Leave knowing that whatever
comes my way it will be OK
because He is with me

To answer the question. I don't have to go to Church, nobody is going to make me. But then again, why would I not want to come?

Pastor Donna said...

Thanks for giving us a new way to look at the question, klw! Why wouldn't we want to come to church. It is a challenge for many people - churches put up barriers often without knowing it. And there is much in our culture that keeps people from coming. But, you put out the other hand.....there is much to invite and draw people. You describe it beautifully - the refreshment, forgiveness, presence of God. I would add the beauty of God's people, too. What do others think?